Effective Candidate Attraction Strategies For Employers

Published by:
Joe Caccavale
May 15, 2023
min read

The Ultimate ATS Comparison Guide

In today's highly competitive job market, finding and attracting the best talent for your organisation can be a daunting task. Employers and hiring managers are constantly seeking innovative ways to improve their recruitment process and stand out from the competition - and this is where effective candidate attraction strategies come in. 

By leveraging different recruitment methods and channels, employers can attract high-quality candidates and build a strong talent pool for their organisation. In this blog, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of different candidate attraction strategies that employers can use to find the best talent for their organisation.

Understanding the importance of a strong employer brand

A strong employer brand is crucial for attracting top talent to your organisation. Employer branding refers to the perception of your company as an employer and the values, culture, and work environment that it offers. A strong employer brand can help you differentiate your organisation from competitors and attract candidates who share your company's values and vision. Here are some key benefits of a strong employer brand:

  • Improved candidate quality: A strong employer brand can attract high-quality candidates who are aligned with your company's values and mission. These candidates are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work, resulting in better job performance and productivity.
  • Reduced staff turnover: A strong employer brand can help retain your existing employees and reduce staff turnover. When employees feel proud of the company they work for and are aligned with its values and culture, they are more likely to stay with the organisation in the long term.

Leveraging recruitment software to streamline the hiring process

Recruitment software can be a valuable tool for employers to streamline their hiring process and attract the best talent for their organisation. Recruitment software can automate many of the time-consuming tasks associated with recruitment, such as resume screening, candidate tracking, and interview scheduling. Here are some key benefits of leveraging recruitment software:

  • Improved efficiency: Recruitment software can save employers time and money by automating many of the tasks associated with recruitment. This allows employers to focus on higher-value tasks, such as interviewing and candidate engagement.
  • Enhanced candidate experience: Recruitment software can provide a more streamlined and efficient candidate experience, which can improve their perception of your organisation as an employer. This can lead to higher candidate engagement and a better chance of attracting high-quality candidates to your organisation.
  • Better data analysis: Recruitment software often includes analytics tools that can help employers track and measure the effectiveness of their recruitment efforts. By analysing recruitment data, employers can identify trends and areas for improvement, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and improve the efficiency of their hiring process.

Attracting candidates 101: Conducting effective video interviews to assess candidates

Video interviews have become an increasingly popular way to assess candidates, especially in today's virtual work environment. Video interviews allow employers to screen candidates more efficiently, reduce travel costs, and create a more flexible interview process. This approach not only saves time and resources but also allows candidates to feel more at ease, particularly if they're not local. Furthermore, video interviews provide an opportunity to evaluate non-verbal cues, body language and communication skills, which are difficult to assess through a phone interview.

Employers should ensure that they have the right technology and platform to conduct video interviews, and should also be prepared to offer guidance to candidates about the technology they will be using. By offering a seamless, user-friendly experience, employers can create a positive impression on candidates and ensure that the interview process is professional and efficient.

Attracting candidates 101: Utilising employee referral programs to tap into your existing network

Employee referral programs have become a popular way for employers to tap into their existing networks to find high-quality candidates. Referrals from employees tend to be better cultural fits, which reduces the risk of turnover and ensures that new hires are more likely to be successful in their roles.

To make employee referral programs more effective, employers should provide incentives to employees for successful referrals, such as bonuses, extra time off or other rewards. Employers should also be sure to communicate the program clearly to employees and provide regular updates on open positions. By encouraging employees to be brand ambassadors and offering rewards for successful referrals, employers can create a culture of engagement and empowerment that benefits both the organisation and its employees.

Attracting candidates 101: Ensuring your job descriptions are clear and compelling

A well-written job description can make all the difference in attracting top talent. It's essential to be clear and concise in outlining job duties and qualifications while also highlighting the company culture and mission. Employers should ensure that the job description accurately reflects the position, the skills required, and the company's values, vision and culture.

Attracting candidates 101: Optimising your job postings for search engines

Employers can optimise their job postings for search engines by including relevant keywords and phrases in the title, job description, and other relevant fields. This approach can help improve visibility and ensure that the posting is more likely to appear in search results when candidates search for relevant keywords.

Employers should also make sure that the job posting is easy to read and understand, with clear and concise information about the position, responsibilities and qualifications. The posting should also include information about the company culture and values, to give candidates a sense of the organisation's mission and purpose.

Attracting candidates 101: Leveraging social media to promote job openings and engage with potential candidates

Leveraging social media platforms is an effective way to promote job openings and engage with potential candidates. Employers can use social media to share information about the company culture, employee benefits, and job requirements to attract suitable candidates. 

Social media platforms also allow employers to interact with potential candidates and build relationships, which can help in the recruitment process. In addition, social media can be used to showcase employee testimonials and experiences, which can help to build the employer brand and attract high-quality candidates. 

To make the most of social media as a recruitment tool, employers should be consistent in their messaging and ensure that their posts are relevant, engaging, and authentic.

Effective candidate attraction with Applied

In today's highly competitive job market, attracting the best talent for your organisation is critical for success - and so employers must leverage the various candidate attraction strategies we have mentioned if they are to stand out from the competition and build a strong talent pool.

From creating a strong employer brand to utilising social media, video interviews and employee referral programs, there are several effective ways to attract high-quality candidates. With these strategies, and support from a leading science-backed recruitment platform, employers can streamline their hiring process, save time and money, and ensure that they are attracting the right talent for their organisation.

Get a demo today and discover how Applied can support your recruitment strategy.


What are candidate attraction strategies and why are they important?

Candidate attraction strategies are methods used by employers to attract potential job candidates to their organisation. They are important because they help employers identify and hire the best talent for their organisation, which can ultimately improve business performance and competitiveness in the market.

How can recruitment software help streamline the hiring process?

Recruitment software can help streamline the hiring process by automating tasks such as job postings, resume screening, interview scheduling, and candidate communication. It can also help employers manage candidate data and analytics more efficiently, saving time and resources.

How can companies build relationships with universities and colleges to attract new talent?

Companies can build relationships with universities and colleges by attending career fairs, hosting information sessions, offering internships or co-op opportunities, and building partnerships with specific programs or departments. This can help attract new talent and increase brand awareness among students.

What are the key components of a compelling job description?

The key components of a compelling job description include a clear and concise job title, a summary of the role and responsibilities, required qualifications and skills, company culture and values, and information about compensation and benefits.

How can job postings be optimised for search engines to attract more candidates?

Job postings can be optimised for search engines by including relevant keywords and phrases in the title and description, using formatting such as bullet points and headers, and including links to the company website and social media pages. This can improve the visibility of job postings and attract more candidates to apply.

Applied is the only ATS you need to streamline your recruitment process and make intelligent data-driven hiring decisions. Save time and resources using our skills-based candidate assessment tools to rapidly narrow down the talent pool and improve quality of hire. Book a demo today.